What is the percentage per client that the network sends? 
I keep 50% of the First service only. You the barber or stylist take the other 50% and keep the client to yourself thereafter. I only am involved in the first visit and sending you the client.

How many clients does the network send?

Endless clients as long as they are asking to be referred I will continue to send clients as long as you are apart of the network and in good standing.

How long does it take to get approved for the network?

Not very long. It could take a few days to 1 week. It’s all predicated on your work. If you submit photos and I don’t think your quite ready, I’ll contact you and work with you until you are up to referral standards. If your work is clean you won’t have any issues getting approved.

How do I get paid from the first client that the network sends?

The client pays The Hair Unit Network the first half. After payment is received you the barber/stylist will be contacted and will coordinate a date for service. After service is complete the client pays you the remaining 50%. (You can choose to take payment before you begin or after you finish)

Do I get a discount on hair?

Yes you will receive discounts on the lace and PU units, adhesive, and Afro kinky track hair if you decide to order the from the network.

Can I take the class again online for a discount? 
If you have been to a live or online class you must show proof of receipt from the class. Then you can re take the online or live class for $200